Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lynda Barry (Chicago Conference, Part 3)

"Everybody loves a smoking monkey!" That was Lynda Barry's answer to a question last weekend as to why she often draws herself as a monkey. I've chosen a non-simian L.B. self-portrait to share with you above but I encourage you to look at her many self-representations over here.

I found Ms. Barry to be the rollicking highlight of the already-excellent Comics Philosophy and Practice conference at the University of Chicago. I tweeted "If I were a network television executive I would on the spot offer a show to Lynda Barry" during one of her panels.

An excellent article about the conference appeared in The Chicago Tribune and you can read it over here. Some great news for anyone who missed this comics event is that all three days of the Live Webcast of the conference will be posted on the University of Chicago website! I will let you know when those videos are ready for viewing.

(Other hayfamzone articles on this Conference can be found here and here and here.)


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